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Purpose of Open Space Technology

Page history last edited by Hempal 14 years, 7 months ago

1.2 Purpose of Open Space Technology


The purpose of applying OST in daily practice or hosting a meeting or gathering often depends on various dynamics and requirements. Following OST in hosting productive meetings or any learning events is derived for creating space for creativity, collaboration and innovation. It enables all kinds of people from different sectors to create inspired meetings and events that leads to achievement. By following OST, one can practice the above-mentioned mantras in day-to-day activities and thereby internalizes the significance of “letting go” and “in-charge” mindsets. It can be used for varied purposes, e.g., planning, team building, product and policy development, learning etc.

Following are the reasons that makes OST as a methodology most suitable for hosting events:

  • It is a simple method that accelerates projects, organizational transformations and consultations.

  • It is an innovative way of facilitating meetings that enhances communication, generates innovation, builds strategy and resolves conflict in organizations and communities 

  • The discussions in Open Space gatherings are deep and stimulates high productivity, creativity, collaboration, enthusiasm and real communications.

  • It is flexible and fits in all kinds of organizations, communities, issues, and needs.

  • It is the fastest way to move lots of people and information to enable collaboration an

  • d productivity.

  • It is scalable and can be used to host powerful meeting of 10 to 1000 or more people.

  • It is transparent and cut right through conflict, skepticism, distrust, and hidden agendas.

  • It provides sufficient structure to release creativity and freedom.

  • It can be replicated by the participants in their follow-up sessions.

  • It is closer to real world. This is how things work, when they really work.


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